Pop Music and Fast Food Burgers

The blog post I read was called “You’re Not Getting Older: Pop “Music” Was Always Awful” and it was written by Adam Singer. Adam Singer is the owner/creator of The Future Buzz, #12 on the list of 60 best public relations blogs. To visit the blog, click here. In the blog post, Singer starts by showing a graph that relates the popularity of music to the quality of the music. The graph is quite humorous. He goes on to talk about how pop music has always been terrible and people who say it’s good are like people who go to Burger King and say their burgers are 5 star quality. He also says people who listen to pop music and like it only like it because they haven’t been introduced to culture yet. I thought that was funny. Singer either really doesn’t like pop music or Taylor Swift, because he takes a shot at both of them by saying “First of all, majority of independent artists would not consider anything Swift makes even close to art (her music is popular music, not serious music — yes, there is a difference….)”. I thought this was funny because I also don’t care for Taylor Swift. Almost all of her songs have the same basic idea/base. He ends his blog post by bitterly saying how the internet doesn’t allow you to upload any music anywhere except to YouTube and SoundCloud. If you try to put upload your music anywhere else, you have to go through a process that usually ends with your music getting taken down. Worth it right?

I enjoyed this blog. It is the perfect balance of information and humor. There was enough information that you learned something, yet enough humor to keep you interested. He included the funny graph, a tweet from Chris Sacca, a video featuring Mark Cuban, and a couple other funny items. It was a very funny and interesting blog. You should check it out!

Justin Bieber: The “artist” of the current #1 pop song.

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